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Photo-Shopping, aka post processing, is what most photographers do with raw images when they come out of the camera to make the final image look better. Sometimes wildly different! Have you ever looked at an image and said to yourseff, "No way. That has to be phtoshopped."
Well, here is an admission for myself, and certainly almost every other serious photographer; every image in this gallery has been "Photoshopped". Some a little, and some a lot. In most cases the photoshopping is minor changes in cropping, color balance, exposure etc. But if the photoshopping really changes the content of an image, I try to make that clear in some way. SO, every image in this Group is heavily Photo-Shopped. And, to a purpose.


Visitors 1
20 photos
Created 1-Feb-25
Modified 1-Feb-25


Visitors 17
13 photos
Created 17-Jun-24
Modified 17-Jun-24

Off Beat, Abstract and Experimental

Visitors 30
14 photos
Created 1-Feb-25
Modified 1-Feb-25
Off Beat, Abstract and Experimental